But where exactly does one throw a temper tantrum in modern society? I’ve beat my fists against my bed, screaming into my pillow at the top of my lungs, but the release is minimal. It’s not explosive enough.
What I want to do is hurl glass bottles against a wall and scream like a banshee. I want to take a baseball bat and smash a thousand mirrors into sharp, ragged pieces. I want to press my foot down on my gas pedal and close my eyes, feeling my car go faster and faster than I’ve ever driven. I want to throw myself off a cliff into the ocean below. That’s how angry I am right now.
Yes, I’m expressing with my words, but after I finish writing this, I’m still going to want to smash watermelons with a hammer.
So my friend is right – I don’t know how to express anger because right now, I want to destroy something. Total annihilation!

Bread, anyone?
Why would a nice person like you be so angry?... and anger doesn't cause cancer... but cancer causes anger.