A powerful call to excellence for new writers like me. One of my favorite pieces of writing advice ever."I don't believe in writer's block. I always tell new writers that the biggest difference between professional writers and amateur writers is that the amateur writers waits for inspiration but the professional writer creates that same inspiration every time they sit down to write."

The festival is packed with a variety of features, shorts programs, and events for filmmakers, all taking place at the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy in Little Tokyo. Check out the schedule at the ID Film Fest web site and get your $30 festival pass online.
I recently bombarded Koji with a handful of questions and he graciously responded. He’s cool like that.
Why another Asian-centric film festival? What makes the ID Film Festival different?
What actor, Asian-American or otherwise, do you most look forward to working with someday?KOJI: I don't think there can be enough Asian film festivals! :) But what makes this one different is that it’s a festival by Asian Pacific Islander filmmakers for API filmmakers.
What was your biggest unforeseen production obstacle while shooting The People I’ve Slept With and how did you overcome it?KOJI: Ken Watanabe, because he's so sexy! And my mom loves him! She'd love to meet him!
Who's kicking ass the most in the Asian-American media world right now?KOJI: The biggest obstacle is just money. But we overcame with it with a passionate and professional crew and cast!
Dream lunch date?KOJI: Justin Lin – he’s the only Asian American filmmaker to make 100 million in box office. Until someone beats that, they aren't on his level.
Thanks Koji! See everyone at IDFF tonight!KOJI: Hmm... I'm married so it'd have to be a business date. But my dream lunch date would be with President Obama, because I have a huge huge huge MAN CRUSH.
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