
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Hump Day Update - Fall Fling Edition

How is it September already? Where did the summer go? Here's what I've been up to as the seasons change --

• Been pitching a new one-hour drama project around town - different from the one in my last Hump Day Update. Also can't talk about it, but here's a hint --

Plan B, a short film I produced for director John Lopez, screened at the Burbank Film Festival. Had a great time at the after party listening to the Tim Russ Band. (Yeah, Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager). Next up for Plan B is the Ojai Film Festival and the San Diego Asian Film Festival!

• Played a doctor (what else?) in a USC student film opposite the lovely and talented Pamela Marie Hobby, who I met on the Photographs of Your Junk shoot. The fake belly button on her baby bump was cleverly achieved with a piece of tape.

• Fall television auditions have resumed! As has getting in shape for Early Retirement - more news on that soon!

• Kicking off another year volunteering with Break the Cycle and WriteGirl. If you're a teacher, administrator, etc. in Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas or New Mexico, you can get the new Start Talking toolkit for FREE to educate youth about dating abuse.

Also, check out the profile on my volunteer work with WriteGirl in Los Angeles Magazine!

• Went on a writers retreat to Lake Arrowhead at a 3-story cabin I found on Airbnb. Ah, fresh air and creativity.

Here's a tip - when renting a cabin for the weekend with six other people, don't forget to bring salt and pepper, extra paper towels, and fresh dish sponges - especially if you're grossed out by old ones!

Looking forward to a fun and fulfilling fall!

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