
Monday, May 7, 2012

Returning to La LA Land

Ireland is creativity central, having produced some of the most brilliant writers in poetry, prose, and drama – James Joyce, Bram Stoker, George Bernard Shaw, William Butler Yeats, Jonathan Swift, Oscar Wilde, Samuel Beckett – the list goes on and on.

Have I read the works of these writers? Nope. Well, I did see the Importance of Being Earnest film adaptation because Colin Firth was in it. Pathetic.

Hearing constantly about Ireland’s literary accomplishments on my recent vacation, I had the distinct feeling of being a writing poser. How can I call myself a writer when I haven’t studied the greats? Dubliners by James Joyce is going right on my library queue.

I did kiss the Blarney Stone, which supposedly inspires eloquence. Hopefully you’ll see it working in the coming weeks –

Other than my inner existential artistic crisis, my trip to Ireland was relaxing and rejuvenating. Just what I needed!

Now, I’m back to my regular life – writing, trying not to stress about writing, and stressing about writing. Fighting hard to not become a writer who “had some success once.” Facing more deadlines for writing programs, continuing my agent search, and trying to figure out what to do next.

And my birthday is this Thursday! I’m old. Or feeling it, at least. I’ll be spending it at opening night of the LAAPFF with a wonderful community of entertainment friends. Hopefully my dress still fits after vacation eating!


  1. I'm a little ashamed to say I've not read any George Bernard Shaw. I mean we share the same surname, it's the least I could do. Congrats on a good trip. Somehow I doubt you will fall victim to complacency. Write away.

    Alas, I will not be able to make it to LAAPFF. Could not get a major thing scheduled beforehand and $1000 spent at the VW dealership kind of sealed the deal (I'm now driving a Honda.). So many films showing that I've been following over the last year or two and don't know when/how I will catch many of them. Bummed Bummed Bummed.

    So have a good time and watch a couple extra for me.

    1. Bummed here too! Your Honda will treat you well - mine has. I'll be blogging about all my LAAPFF escapades here, so you can live vicariously through me! :)

    2. Honda's and I have a very good history. I'm depending on you for my vicarious existence and have high hopes. ;)

  2. Welcome back Teresa!!! I have so much to update you on. Hope to catch up soon. Two more weeks of school left for me. Oh, and Senior Ball is this Saturday!!!



    1. Thanks Julian! Enjoy your last weeks of MIT - that place is like no other! :)
