
Friday, May 11, 2012

My Birthday Opening Night at LAAPFF

I spent my birthday with the Asians.

Specifically, at opening night of the Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival. LAAPFF, for those in the know. I wore my new Tahari dress and my only pair of red carpet-worthy shoes and headed into the VIP Pre-Reception to soak up the birthday greetings.

Crickets. Didn't know anyone. I sighed and tried to make small talk with strangers while attempting to gather $100-worth of crudites and chicken skewers on my tiny plate. (The Actor's Diet has a much better run down of the food.) Near the end of the reception I saw a few colleagues, including the producer on my pilot, so that was good.

Then, into the theater! Comedian Steve Byrne, star of the upcoming TBS comedy Sullivan and Son, brought down the house with his acerbic comedy stylings and two hilarious songs - a song about wanting an Asian baby and a love song to Shanghai Calling star Daniel Henney titled "F*#& You, Daniel Henney!" I really hope someone captured these on video - too funny!

Then the opening night film - Shanghai Calling, written and directed by Daniel Hsia, produced by Janet Yang. An amazing film! Charming, romantic, and moving - the performances were great, but the real star of the film was the city of Shanghai, portrayed as a sparkling, modern playground for personal transformation. Loved it.

A Q&A with the cast and crew followed --

Followed by a reception in the lobby --

I ran into a ton of friends here, including director Henry Chan and actress Jodi Long, who also stars in Sullivan and Son --

Though mostly I hung with my wing woman Kim, whose feature Knots is screening at the festival on Sunday --

My bright yellow wrist band is so cool, isn't it?

Happy birthday to me!

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