
Thursday, May 22, 2014

Tools of the Trade: Car Survival Kit for Actors

Your car is your mobile office as an actor. Make sure it's stocked with everything you need for your career!

Here are four things I always have in my car --

No, not mints. (Though those are a good idea too...)

#1 - Quarters!

For feeding meters heartily to avoid dreaded parking tickets.

#2 - Makeup!

I guess this is for the ladies. Especially handy for those same day audition notices you get when you're on your way to Trader Joe's.

Safety Alert: Do not do your makeup while driving! Also, be sure to check your makeup in the bathroom of the casting office before going into the room. What looks fine in natural light and might look garish under fluorescent lights.

#3 - Headshots!

I keep mine in this old padfolio. It looks professional and it keeps them nice and flat --

#4 - Thomas Guide

Color me old school. There's nothing quite like locating yourself on a map. And even though I mostly use my maps app to get directions, my trusty Thomas Guide is always there to back me up when my phone just won't connect.

That's my car survival kit! I polled a few actor friends for their car must haves - here's what they said --
"Navigation ability (map or GPS or phone navigation), 3 changes of clothing (casual, business, and fancy), and a hair brush. The fancy change is also good in case you drive by an event/premiere and want to crash!" - J

"Spray deodorant to freshen up." - M

"Hair product, voice recorder to memorize lines." - T

"I keep a mini stapler in the glove compartment so I can tack on headshots on the go." - H

"Extra clothes, especially for commercial auditions. I have a set of scrubs, polo shirts, etc. so I'm ready if they ask for a particular look." - R

"Hand lotion! You have no idea how many times I was surprised at a commercial audition when they wanted to see my hands!" - E

And one fabulously sentimental answer --
"A great support group or people around you who are very motivated so that it motivates you to do things for your own career. That's probably #1 for me. All the other stuff will be affected positively by the group of people you trust and respect in the business." - V
A great answer to any question!

Actors! What do you keep in your car? Post your answer in the comments below...

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