
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Comedy in a Dark Room

One of the most exciting things about being an artist is seeing your friends succeed.

That's right, showbiz isn't always the dog-eat-dog world you see in bad movies. For me, there's nothing more inspiring and joy-filled than seeing my contemporaries rise in their careers.

I had the opportunity to celebrate some friends last week when the Asian Pacific American Friends of the Theatre (APAFT) held an event called "Honoring Comedy" to celebrate the seriously funny careers of actors Deborah S. Craig and Aaron Takahashi and playwrights Prince Gomolvilas and Paul Kikuchi.

NOTE - The restaurant where the event was held was lit for romantic dining, not picture taking, so these images are terrible! But they capture what was a thoroughly enjoyable celebration.

The evening started with host Helen Ota, Cold Tofu founder and a successful comedienne in her own right, performing "Taylor the Latte Boy" --

Then playwright/storyteller/honoreee Prince Gomolvilas shared a hilarious story he recently told at TEDx --

Finally, the irrepressible Deborah S. Craig sang a song from Adam Gwon's Ordinary Days - this girl has crazy talent --

Panel time! Helen moderated a discussion with the four honorees --

Then came the presentation of the awards. Group shot!

I can't remember where I met Deborah S. Craig, but I've loved loved loved her fearless comedic style since then --

I've known Aaron since we did the East West Players' theater for young audiences tour back in 2004. Seeing him get recognized for the comedy career he's built since then was such a thrill.

If you don't know who these funny people are, here's some of my favorite videos from each --

And this is the exact story that Prince Gomolvilas told that night - so fantastic --

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