
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

2012: The Numbers

# of blog posts written: 164

# of blog comments: 226 (Many, many after this post...)

# of blog followers: 41 (You want to follow me, right?)

# of followers on Twitter: 419 (Come on! Follow away!)

# of scripts written: 1 (Pathetic!!)

# of acting auditions: 37 (An excellent year - thank you life!)

# of acting auditions rescinded: 1 (Boo.)

# of acting jobs booked: 10 (Yay!)

# of industry events attended: 35

# of shows/storytelling events attended: 39 (So, so many tickets bought...)

# of agents who dropped me: 1

# of new agents who believe in me: 3

2012 had big ups and big downs - relieved to be leaving it behind. Bring on the new year!

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