
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday Writing Day

Writing was everywhere today. I wrote while on the exercise bike this morning, finishing the rough draft of my series proposal. Emphasis on the rough --

Then I wrote a new beat sheet for a spec script class I'm taking at UCLA Extension to finish my Certificate in Television Writing.

I wrote checks, I wrote emails, and I wrote tweets promoting my fiction reading on Sunday. (Don't forget to RSVP!)

In the evening, I volunteered at the WriteGirl office in downtown LA.

The space was filled with creativity, including this wall of thoughtful questions and answers in the bathroom. I wrote a few questions --

Then settled in front of a computer to write letters to companies and friends, asking for silent auction donations for their upcoming Bold Ink Awards.

The Bold Ink Awards is WriteGirl's annual fundraiser and the lineup looks fantastic!

If you want to meet these amazing writers and/or support WriteGirl's non-profit programs that promote education and writing skills for at-risk teens, buy a ticket for the Bold Ink Awards today! I'll be there!

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