
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Writing Links Roundup

A few great articles about writing I found this week. Passing on for inspiration - happy writing!

The Journey to Publication
Author Laura Kilmartin blogs about how she wrote her novel three times before getting it published. So inspiring to hear someone talk so honestly about their journey. Reminds me of Kathryn Stockett's story of getting rejected by 60 agents before publishing The Help.

Zadie Smith's 10 Rules of Writing
Every time I look at this, I find a new rule that's my favorite. Yesterday, it was number 9 - "Don't confuse honours with achievement." Damn. After I post this blog, I'm following number 7 - "Work on a computer that is disconnected from the ­internet." So true!

30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors
Take them into your heart or post them on Facebook, these quotes leave their mark. This is my favorite:

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