
Monday, August 20, 2012

Writer's Diet, Day 1 - Manic Monday

I've had a few requests to do more day-in-the-life posts chronicling my creative days as an actor/writer, so I'm diving back into Writer's Diet mode - an experiment in which I blog about everything I do for my career each day, a la my friend Lynn's blog The Actor's Diet.

This week's experiment is dedicated to the memory of Lynn's father who just passed away. To honor him and give a shout out to Lynn, I'm also going to snap pictures of what I'm eating. (Fair warning - I eat a lot of crap because I'm in denial about my metabolism changing as I get older.)

Started my week with an audition (YAY!) for a new TV comedy. Hot as hell in the Valley, but the office was blissfully freezing. Was met by this sign in the waiting room --

Waiting room was full of other Asian-American actresses reading for the same role - clearly they're just going to pick someone - hope it's me!

Headed to Coffee Bean to check email and write until lunch. I'd woken up with an epiphany about a short film script I've been contemplating, so I was eager to get my notes down.

Justified my free WiFi time by buying a Naked Green Machine. I'd made a green smoothie in the morning but left it at home, so this satisfied my sweet craving.

Lunch with a talented friend at The Veggie Grill. Got the Santa Fe Crispy Chickin' sandwich with a side of Mac-n-Cheese --

Amazing! I love The Veggie Grill - apparently so did this employee from The Counter --

Took my leftovers and drove up the 405 to spend the rest of my day at The Writer's Junction.

Ah, my creative home. I swear that without this place, I wouldn't have a single piece of finished writing. Enjoyed some tea in the lobby while doing some brainstorming --

Then snagged one of the writing rooms for the day.

Beat out an outline for that short film idea, finished my Veggie Grill leftovers, then got notice for a commercial callback for tomorrow. Loving this Monday!

Then the great John Lopez called mid-afternoon to ask me to produce his latest short film and I said absolutely. Spent the next few hours in producer-mode, sending emails and creating pre-production schedules and preliminary callsheets. This will definitely make this Writer's Diet week more interesting!

Dinner was a Crunchy Slaw salad from Trader Joe's I'd stashed in the fridge last week --

Yes, I ate the whole thing before remembering to take a picture. More writing and producing until one of the regular night crew came in with sweets --

A banana crisp-type invention - to die for!

Day 1 over - until tomorrow, dear readers!


  1. Looking forward to your daily posts Teresa! Currently at the airport in Korea getting ready to fly back home to Hawaii. Moving to LA in two weeks. See you soon :)

  2. Loved this Teresa! Thanks!!

