
Friday, June 29, 2012

So Right, She's Wong

I remember meeting Kristina Sheryl Wong at a street festival a few years ago. Her first words to me - "Are you on Friendster? Be my friend on Friendster!"

I was not on Friendster, but I was hooked on Kristina from that day forward. She's an actor, writer, and performance artist best known for her one-woman show Wong Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I've never seen that show - mostly she performed it on tour - but I always admired her for being a unique, effervescent individual and doing her own thing in the Asian-American arts community.

Last night, I finally saw her perform at the opening night of her newest show, Going Green the Wong Way. Holy cow, you MUST SEE! A hilariously funny and touching look at her eco-journey through life and proof positive that this girl is a star.

The show was at the Bootleg Theater, situated in a part of LA I can honestly say I've never been to --

Clearly, I've been missing out on a hip hotspot for music, theater, and film. They have their own rules and warnings --

And several bars inside their awesome space, which was formerly a bra factory --

I arrived just before curtain, so I missed the distribution of shakers made from recycled materials. The audience shook them with gusto, later using them during one of many interactive portions of the show.

Like I said, the performance was incredible. At various points, Kristina dry humped a pile of plastic bags, rapped about how litterbugs are raping Mother Earth, and demonstrated how to use a Diva Cup.

And despite her brave and entertaining antics, the thread of the show was her genuine devotion to environmentalism and the spirit of her heart that drives her. It was beautiful.

I took a turn on the step and repeat with her after the show --

Going Green the Wong Way runs at the Bootleg Theater until July 22, after which she's taking it to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Get your tickets now!

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