
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Hump Day Update: It's April!

Where did the first quarter of 2012 go? That’s what I’m asking myself as I look forward to a spring filled with deadlines and more deadlines. Time to hunker down and write, write, write!

Here’s my exclamation point-filled Hump Day update!
  • Spent most of Monday dealing with the aftermath of spilling a glass of water on my laptop that caused it to shut down immediately. After letting it dry overnight, it still wouldn’t turn on, so I took the whole thing apart, contemplated the meaning of life, put it back together, and crossed my fingers. Success! Old Bessie is back! (Not my laptop’s actual name.)

  • No news on what’s happening with the CAPE / FOX Digital Marketing Initiative. I’m still hoping it will move forward, but if it doesn’t, I’ve decided to just shoot it as my next short film project. The concept and my amazing actors are just too good to waste!

  • I saw 21 Jump Street last weekend. Surprisingly fantastic! Though if I followed Rotten Tomatoes more religiously, I suppose I wouldn’t have been surprised – the last time I checked, it was the highest rated movie on the site! Go see it – you’ll love it. Great buddy cop character work, loose and funny performances from Channing and Jonah, and truly worthy cameos from original 21 Jump Street stars. Not telling who!

  • I’m putting my name in the hat at The Moth again tonight. The topic is “Duped” – I’m going to attempt to tell the story I prepared last year when the topic was “Lies.” Fingers crossed that I get picked!

  • This red band trailer made me laugh out loud!

  • This trailer made me want to splurge and get HBO as soon as possible!

How is your Wednesday looking so far?

1 comment:

  1. i loved 21 jump street too, surprisingly and loved dustin nguyen's cameo…also am psyched to hear about the FOX thing - let's do it even if it doesn't happen…
