
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Overspending at the Kickstarter Mall

You know I don't like spending money. I went a full year without buying anything and felt just fine. But I've just discovered my new danger zone.


You know, the crowdsourced microfinancing site where artists and entrepreneurs can raise money for dream projects by receiving donations from many, many backers in exchange for gifts and rewards.

I feel like every time I get on Facebook, someone I know is launching a Kickstarter campaign. And the problem is - I love these people! And then I look at the project they're putting together and I fall in love with that too!

So then I have to give money. I have to. How could I not contribute to someone's artistic dream? It's like when I sample the new cheese at Trader Joe's - it's so delicious, I have to buy it. I have to.

Here are just a few of the projects that inspired me to open my wallet this past week - check them out and you'll want to give too!

Ordinary Days - Musical by Adam Gwon
A Theater project in Los Angeles, CA by Michael Palma

I've known Helen and Mike for years - one of the "it couples" of the Asian-American arts community in LA. Hilariously funny on stage with Cold Tofu Improv, talented singers, and now they're putting together an original musical. Done and done. No Kickstarter video, but how can I say no to these beautiful faces?

FLIPCASE: A Collapsible Sunglass Case
A Product Design project in Menlo Park, CA by Alison Wong

Allison is a fellow MIT alum and AXO sister. I didn't know her while I was an undergrad, but when I saw her video, I just had to support her ingenuity. I'm so inspired by MIT women - smart and amazing. Watch this video and you'll want one of these sunglass cases too! (I love how it starts like an infomercial...)

"You Gotta Stay Cocksure!"
A Narrative Film project in Toronto, Canada by Murray Foster

Remember Moxy Fruvous? I was one of Murray's people. Many, many college and post-college hours were spent listening to their geeky rock tunes. I don't think I missed a single Moxy Fruvous concert while living in Boston. I even interviewed them for an article and told Murray I was going to move to Los Angeles to become an actor.

Fast forward to becoming an actor in Los Angeles and finding Murray on Facebook - we're buds now. He plays with a new band - Great Big Sea - and just wrote and directed a feature film inspired by hijinks with his fellow former Fruvous compatriot Mike Ford. Appears to be a Brit pop version of That Thing You Do! It looks fun - and Murray is just so damned handsome...

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