
Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh What an Oscar Night!

The Oscars 2012! Debate all you want about the importance or non-importance of the event - it's just a really fun evening for me.

Back in Boston, my best friend K used to have epic Oscar parties, complete with Oscar trivia at the commercials (this was the pre-DVR era), a make-your-own Oscar statue craft station, and an Oscar pool that got mighty competitive. Plus K's famous hot artichoke dip, served with Doritos - the key to delicious.

Last year, I got food poisoning an hour into the awards and spent most of the evening laying on the floor in my friend's guest bathroom. I was determined not to repeat the spectacle this year.

I thought the show was elegant and classy - Billy was great, Will & Zach killed it (in a good way), and the SCTV reunion made me happy. All in all, a great night with great friends. I watched with my laptop, refreshing and gasping at Nikki Finke's live-snarking while checking on my two Oscar pools - one to win about $150 and the other to win $50,000! I got 15 categories right by the end of the evening, though not enough to win either pool. Ah well...

Even though it was relatively early on the West coast when the show was over, we ended up deconstructing the evening and gabbing about everything from Lars von Trier to what if Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was a watchable film until past midnight. The dogs couldn't stay awake:

What was the highlight of your Oscar night?


  1. The highlight for me was rembering that it was on about 30 or 40 minutes before it ended just in time to catch the best actor/actress and film categories. I'm glad I didn't totally miss it.

  2. definitely when uggie hit the stage! julius was on my lap and got very excited as well.
