
Saturday, January 28, 2012

When the Lord Closes a Door, Somewhere He Opens a Window

I had the Tweet all planned out too. A link to this video with a cryptic "This happened today."

Alas, not this time.

The call came yesterday – CBS has finished its pilot pickups for the year. My pilot was not picked up.

Not the outcome I was hoping for, but not completely unexpected. My show concept was pretty out of the box for CBS, which knows its niche better than any other network – crime procedurals. I had a solid chance if they decided to do something different, but if you look at the eight pilots CBS did pick up, they clearly went with shows that are in alignment with their brand.

And no, I can’t take my idea to another network of make it myself as a Web series. CBS owns it and will for a very long time. It’s over.

But really, it’s okay. This has been an amazing journey for me and I’m so, so grateful to have had an opportunity like this. I’ve learned so much about writing, about myself, and about collaborating with other people. I was wonderfully supported and guided through the entire process – I am so blessed. It was an experience I’ll always cherish and will always have in my history.

So now I look forward to what the next chapter holds in my artistic life. Staffing season, a new pilot script, a novel…perhaps a graphic novel as well? Who knows? The world is my oyster now.

Here I come.


  1. Bummer. The disappointment in your industry is like no other. It takes some serious verve to even wanna. Good luck on the next round!

  2. fall seven times, get up eight.

    never, ever, ever give up =)
