
Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011: The Numbers

# of blog posts written: 108

# of blog comments: 151 (You like me! You really like me!)

# of blog followers: 31 (only 13 more than last year – weak)

# of dollars raised by my blog: $6 (Thank you!)

# of followers on Twitter: 235 (Almost doubled from 2011)

# of acting auditions: 14 (11 less than last year – more in 2012!)

# of acting auditions done via Skype: 1

# of acting jobs booked: 8 (I am blessed!)

# of scripts written: 3

# of pilots sold: 1 (So, so blessed!)

# of industry events attended: 61 (Phew...)

# of trips to Las Vegas: 0 (What’s up with that?)

# of days my inner critic had something to say: 365

# of days I told my inner critic to shove it: 365

Here’s to a great 2011! Onward and upward in 2012!


  1. that is amazing! you're an inspiration to me!

  2. holy crap - you book more than half your auditions??? you are superwoman!!!

  3. @Joy - Thanks! Likewise, funny lady! :)

    @Lynn - Not exactly - four were straight bookings - three eps of Grey's and one industrial with this company that uses me every once in a while. Definitely need to kick it up in 2012! :)
