
Thursday, November 10, 2011

My Marathon Writing Days

Spent the entire day at The Writer’s Junction working on my pilot outline today. My favorite place to write! I love having a full day with no distractions to just swim in the creative pool that is my mind. That sounded cheesy, but it’s true.

Christopher used a free day pass to join me in my writing marathon. This is roughly how our day looked.
  • 10:00 am – Christopher arrived and got a grand tour while I made some green tea and gave to my colleague Grace Lee's IndieGoGo campaign for her documentary American Revolutionary. Also read Nellie Andreeva’s analysis of this year’s TV pitch buying season. 33 put pilot commitments? Wow. We talked trash about Brett Ratner while setting up our computers.

  • 10:30 am – Writing commenced!

  • 11:30 am – Left Christopher clacking away at his keyboard for a notes call with my executive producer. Very positive notes – several things to think about and fix, but all doable. Whew!

  • 12:00 pm – Printed out the three pages of notes I’d typed up during the call and started addressing them one by one. Christopher continued clacking.

  • 1:00 pm – Free lunch at Wurstküche, courtesy of this deal from ScoutMob. At least the sausages were free – with Belgian fries and a spiced apple cider, it was still almost $10. Very cool space on Lincoln Blvd in Venice – the former location of the LA Supper Club, where I attended my first Moth show!

  • 2:30 pm – After a working lunch spent talking about what our respective characters WANT, we returned to writing, writing, writing.

  • 4:00 pm – Broke out the giant bag of candy corn to get through the food coma.

  • 4:30 pm – Succumbed to food coma and slept for 10 minutes. Woke up totally refreshed – catnapping is my super power!

  • 5:45 pm – Finished implementing all three pages of notes and felt great. Sent the revised outline off to a few writer friends to read, including Christopher. He sent me what he’d written that day.

  • 5:55 pm – What? Christopher wrote 36 script pages in a day! Started feeling not so great about my 14 pages. I dove in to reading…

  • 6:30 pm – Takeout from Fritto Misto for a dinner break with last week’s Parks and Recreation. One of our favorite shows with some of our favorite characters. Discussed the brilliance of Tom Haverford.

  • 7:30 pm – Exchanged notes on what we’d written. Christopher’s pages were amazing – what a knack for dialogue! You are all going to want to watch his show when it’s on – trust me.

  • 8:30 pm – My turn. Another awesome writerat The Writer’s Junction stopped by to give me notes as well. They threw me a million questions about all the things that were unclear. I had meant the answers to be clear, but obviously they didn’t come across. Simply put, I have a lot of work to do. Sigh – another day, another insight into how to make my outline better. Thanks to Christopher and Jack for taking the time to read it!

  • 11:00 pm – Before we knew it, it was time to go home. That’s a wrap on another marathon day!

1 comment:

  1. This place sounds awesome. Anything like it near Burbank?
