
Sunday, October 9, 2011

A New World Calls for Me to Follow

So...this happened...

I sold a pilot to CBS. An idea I’ve been developing for months with a producer. While the deal is being made, I need to write a pilot story area, a beat sheet, an outline, and a script – all by Thanksgiving.

Yeah, this Thanksgiving.

Day job? Gone. Fiction & short film projects? Postponed.

Blog? Hmm...

Neon Open Sign
I know I should put up the CLOSED sign and see you all next year, but instead I’m doing the polar opposite.

I’m switching to blogging daily.

It will help keep me accountable and I’m going to need the outlet as I embark on this journey of higher stakes and self-imposed pressure. I’ll also need your support.

I’ll still be acting and exploring life as a nerd turned artist. But my objective will be to stay focused - on the task at hand, on developing my skills, on pushing through my fears, on meeting the higher expectations I’ve invited into my life and my work.

It’s eyes on the prize time – invoke whatever Rocky Balboa imagery you’d like here. This is my time to show them what I’ve got. And show myself.

Here I go...


  1. good luck! i hope blogging helps get the juices flowing for ya...

  2. Congrats! That's huge. I look forward to reading more blog posts and watching for your name on Deadline.

  3. Sounds amazing! You can do it! I look forward to following you on your journey. :)

  4. That's fantastic Teresa! Happy for you. :)

  5. Couldn't be more happy for you Teresa! You're gonna rock this and bring home the big prize. Will definitely follow this incredible journey you're about to embark on. Stay hungry, stay foolish :) Go Beavers!!!!!!

  6. So... this happened... but how? Fellow strugglers would be grateful to learn.
