
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Hump Day Update, Halloween-Style

Photo / Creative Commons / respres
It’s Wednesday, home listeners! Time for me to reflect on what I have (or haven’t) done so far this week. And because Halloween is approaching, everything seems to be measured in pieces of candy.
  • After a stressful week closing my deal with CBS, I moved on to preparing my pilot story area document – basically a two-page summary of what will happen in the pilot. First notes call went well and revisions were made. Looking forward to the next tomorrow! Candy consumed during the stress-fest: 10 or 12

  • On Sunday after returning from the Ojai Film Festival, I recorded a voice for The Misery Company, a horror radio play written by the talented Joshua Pruett. My character was Zombie Mom, a badass southern matriarch with a penchant for killing zombies. More on this project later, but for now, please Like The Misery Company on Facebook! Candy consumed during taping: 5

  • Submitted my third story for NYC Midnight’s Flash Fiction Competition. My genre prompt was romantic comedy, my location was a bake sale, and my object was a fire alarm. Whipping up this story proved harder than my previous efforts. Goes to show you that your favorite genre to watch is not necessarily your easiest genre to write! Candy consumed during writing: 3

  • Prepared for a role in a friend’s script reading next week. I’ll be playing a character who doesn’t speak for the first 75 pages except with her expressions, but I still went through and wrote her inner dialogue into the margins so my expressions can match. Candy consumed during prep: 1 (Crunchie Bar!)
Finally, watch me in episode 3 of Mixed Blooms below! Though really Alvin Lam has the best moments in this one...

And if that didn’t make you laugh, this definitely will:

"So rude!"

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